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The Daily Joe, December 30

Writer's picture: Brynn PaulinBrynn Paulin

Welcome to Monday!

We’re coming to the end of the year and the end of a decade and an end of my Daily Joe silence. That’s right, the Daily Joe is back!

Why did it go away in the first place? Call it a sabbatical. Since the last post, I’ve written nine books and re-released six more. It was a little busy. Too busy. Four books in December.

Never again.

I only have one book scheduled to release in January. At long last, you’ll see the return on Daly Way. It’s time for Madison and her cowboys. I know some of you have been waaaaaaaaiting for so long. It’s up for pre-order.

Besides the writing, I been dealing with a chronic…something since October. The doctor has yet to fully pinpoint it, but I’m feeling a lot better. Finally. That sure slowed me down!

Let’s talk about some of the books though…

And let’s do a little catch up and updating.

I finally release Theo and Keera’s story (Part 2) for Tradition Bound. It came out in two parts, each fully standalone. In January, it will be going to print. Both parts will be in the same volume.

The three Christmas books from December will also be going to print together, but not until July. In July, they’ll be getting a face lift/revision/expansion/new epilogues for Christmas in July. I also have a totally brand new Christmas book coming in July, too. I know…it seems so far away. But in writer time, I practically should have finished it already. And I’m also planned out to October right now.

Beach Please also released in the past few months. The next Cherish Cove: Beach Please book will release in either March or April. It depends on how the writing goes in January.

Cherish Cove… you might have seen that slip past in that last bit. This series has multiple parts. There’s the Home for the Holidays portion and the Beach Please portion. There’s a third part I haven’t announced yet. It will also start in 2020. We’re going to be spending a great deal of time in Cherish Cove. Also starting in 2020 is the Rapid City Lynx series. Hockey, anyone? The first book is Penalty Kill. It’s up for pre-order.

In April, I have a historical time travel happening. My heroine will be popping back to the Middle Ages, and the hero will be coming forward to 2020. As many time travel historicals do, I’ll be ignoring the fact that English in the Middle Ages would be a completely foreign language to someone speaking today’s English. I’m looking forward to exploring with my modern heroine in that time period. ‘Cause history, that’s one of my passion.

Enough about the books. I’ll be talking about goals and resolutions in upcoming blog posts.

Today, December 30, 2019

There’s going to be editing today.

I’m also added about a thousand words to Mad About Her Cowboys and 500 words to the surprise project no one knows about.

Be back tomorrow! I’ll be talking New Year’s Eve.


1 Comment

Dec 30, 2019

You are amazing and my hero👍❤️

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